27 Sep 2017 12:00 Noon - 01:30 PM(UTC)
20170927T1200 20170927T1330 UTC Sesión Plenaria #GIGAPP2017 @OliverEscobar Democracia participativa y elaboración colaborativa de políticas: La experiencia de Escocia

Sesión Plenaria

“Democracia participativa y elaboración colaborativa de políticas: La experiencia de Escocia” (Oliver Escobar. University of Edinburgh)

Short Bio

Oliver Escobar is Lecturer in Public Policy at the University of Edinburgh, and Co-Director of What Works Scotland (http://whatworksscotland.ac.uk), a research programme funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council and the Scottish Government to improve public services and inform public service innovation and reform.

Oliver’s areas of research, teaching and practice are participatory democracy, public dialogue and deliberation, and collaborative policy-making. He also co-leads the Smart Urban Intermediaries (http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk/projects?ref=ES%2FR002991%2F1) and Distant Voices: Coming Home (http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk/projects?ref=ES%2FP002536%2F1) research programmes. His most recent research focuses on the interface between citizen participation and social inequalities (e.g. http://www.healthinequalities.net). Oliver is a Trustee of Democratic Audit UK, Beltane Public Engagement Fellow, member of the Scottish Government’s Participatory Budgeting Working Group, Director of ClimateXChange’s Citizens’ Juries, non-executive member of the Scottish Government’s Digital Communications Board, and advisor to DRILL –the world’s largest research programme led by disable people.

He coordinates the Citizen Participation Network, has trained and worked with hundreds of public engagement practitioners, and is involved in developing democratic innovations across various policy arenas in Scotland and beyond. Twitter: @OliverEscobar More information: http://www.pol.ed.ac.uk/people/academic_staff/oliver_escobar

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#GIGAPP2017 VIII Congreso Internacional en Gobierno, Administración y Políticas Públicas congreso2017@gigapp.org
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Sesión Plenaria

“Democracia participativa y elaboración colaborativa de políticas: La experiencia de Escocia”
(Oliver Escobar. University of Edinburgh)

Short Bio

Oliver Escobar is Lecturer in Public Policy at the University of Edinburgh, and Co-Director of What Works Scotland (http://whatworksscotland.ac.uk), a research programme funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council and the Scottish Government to improve public services and inform public service innovation and reform.

Oliver’s areas of research, teaching and practice are participatory democracy, public dialogue and deliberation, and collaborative policy-making. He also co-leads the Smart Urban Intermediaries (http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk/projects?ref=ES%2FR002991%2F1) and Distant Voices: Coming Home (http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk/projects?ref=ES%2FP002536%2F1) research programmes. His most recent research focuses on the interface between citizen participation and social inequalities (e.g. http://www.healthinequalities.net). Oliver is a Trustee of Democratic Audit UK, Beltane Public Engagement Fellow, member of the Scottish Government’s Participatory Budgeting Working Group, Director of ClimateXChange’s Citizens’ Juries, non-executive member of the Scottish Government’s Digital Communications Board, and advisor to DRILL –the world’s largest research programme led by disable people.

He coordinates the Citizen Participation Network, has trained and worked with hundreds of public engagement practitioners, and is involved in developing democratic innovations across various policy arenas in Scotland and beyond.

Twitter: @OliverEscobar
More information:

Recent publications:

Director Académico de Relaciones Internacionales
Universidad Internacional de la Rioja UNIR
Lecturer in Public Policy
University of Edinburgh (Politics and IR)
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